Hello readers!
Happy Holidays to you and your families! Sorry I have been M.I.A for three weeks. These past three weeks have been nonstop exams for me. I've two every week since I came back from Thanksgiving break! I love winter quarter because of all of the breaks, but then this can also be a bad thing! It feels so weird not studying for anything. I find myself reading my "Review of Optometry", magazines that all of the students subscribe to for free at the beginning of the school year. It is so exciting to read because I now know 20% of the terminology being used in the articles! I feel so much smarter! You will understand when you are in my shoes. It is a wonderful feeling!
I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by. I remember when I was just a nervous applicant!!!! Here I am now...a stressed student, LOL.
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you’ve never been hurt, and live like it’s heaven on Earth." – Mark Twain
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Hello December
Hi guys!
Well I've been back at school for one week now, and I have already taken 2 exams. I have four more exams to go; two each week until Christmas break. I have never been so tired and energetic in my life. The lectures are becoming more interesting as we learn more in depth about the eye.
Ocular Anatomy
In ocular anatomy so far we have learned, in depth, about the fibrous tissue of the eye. This tissue contains two parts, the cornea and the sclera. It is a lot more detailed than that, but it was interesting! I loved it!
Optics II
We are learning about sphero-cylindrical lenses currently. Very interesting; things are starting to make more sense!
Visual Optics
Today we learned about 3 different types of astigmitism and how to identify it by looking at a given spherical value, cylinder value, and its axis, if any.
Our eye models are displayed in the library now!!! If you guys are interviewing or visiting the campus, please check out our eye models!!!
Well I've been back at school for one week now, and I have already taken 2 exams. I have four more exams to go; two each week until Christmas break. I have never been so tired and energetic in my life. The lectures are becoming more interesting as we learn more in depth about the eye.
Ocular Anatomy
In ocular anatomy so far we have learned, in depth, about the fibrous tissue of the eye. This tissue contains two parts, the cornea and the sclera. It is a lot more detailed than that, but it was interesting! I loved it!
Optics II
We are learning about sphero-cylindrical lenses currently. Very interesting; things are starting to make more sense!
Visual Optics
Today we learned about 3 different types of astigmitism and how to identify it by looking at a given spherical value, cylinder value, and its axis, if any.
Our eye models are displayed in the library now!!! If you guys are interviewing or visiting the campus, please check out our eye models!!!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Cooking and Baking
So when I am not studying and thinking about Optometry....I think about food! I am a big foodie! I am learning to cook new dishes and coming up with new decorating ideas! Here are some of my work that I wanted to share with you guys!
Mandarin Chicken and Beef with the help of Panda Express Mandarin Sauce.
My very moist Strawberry Cupcakes with whipped buttercream frosting topped with crushed gram crackers and fresh strawberries.
My Pumpkin spice cupcakes. They are topped with whipped buttercream frosting with brown food coloring, candy corn, and 100 calorie Sandies Right Ones.
Peanut Butter cookies, rolled in sugar and cross- pressed with a fork, and traditional Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Moist Strawberry Cupcakes with whipped marshmallow frosting, and chocolate whipped Hershey's frosting.
Mandarin Chicken and Beef with the help of Panda Express Mandarin Sauce.
Home made Sesame Chicken. I used Seasame oil, Sun Choy Soy Sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, roasted sesame seeds, lean chicken breast, sugar and grounded black pepper.
Chicken Alfredo with linguini pasta. I used Bertolli's Aged alfredo cheese sauce and lean chicken breast. The pizza is sicilian pizza from CPK.
Home made friend rice. I chopped the beef flank into cubes and marinated them in kikkoman soy sauce with onion powder and garlic powder and pepper. I cracked an egg on the rice and threw in the beef and stirred. Adding more seasme oil or soy sauce accordingly.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thanksgiving Break
Hello everyone!
Yea! SCCO gives one whole week off for the Thanksgiving holiday!!! This gives me time to catch up on tv, chores, studying, and time with friends. I wish every one a Happy Thanksgiving !
Yea! SCCO gives one whole week off for the Thanksgiving holiday!!! This gives me time to catch up on tv, chores, studying, and time with friends. I wish every one a Happy Thanksgiving !
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Winter Quarter Classes
After being eased into Optometry school the SCCO way for our first quarter, I now enter the second quarter eager to learn.
Here are my classes for this quarter:
Visual Optics and lab
Public Health
Ocular Anatomy and lab
Optics II and lab
Anatomy and Physiology II and lab
It might not seem like a lot of classes...but each lab is a class in itself = 9 classes!
After the Eye Ball...began looking over some of my notes while it is still calm (no exams). With Thanksgiving break next week, this will give us three weeks without exams, wow! When we get back from break we will have two exams per week alternating with one exam every other week. What a way to welcome us back to the reality of which is called Optometry School!
The classes this quarter are definitely more interesting and related to the eye. This makes class more exciting! This is what you applied to optometry school for! But then again, it is a lot more information to swallow then last quarter's lectures. So it is a give and take situation.
Currently, we are learning about the anatomy of the eye...from the very anterior to the very posterior, prism diopters, neurons, and public health.
I will try to post more pictures from lab for you guys! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to comment!
Here are my classes for this quarter:
Visual Optics and lab
Public Health
Ocular Anatomy and lab
Optics II and lab
Anatomy and Physiology II and lab
It might not seem like a lot of classes...but each lab is a class in itself = 9 classes!
After the Eye Ball...began looking over some of my notes while it is still calm (no exams). With Thanksgiving break next week, this will give us three weeks without exams, wow! When we get back from break we will have two exams per week alternating with one exam every other week. What a way to welcome us back to the reality of which is called Optometry School!
The classes this quarter are definitely more interesting and related to the eye. This makes class more exciting! This is what you applied to optometry school for! But then again, it is a lot more information to swallow then last quarter's lectures. So it is a give and take situation.
Currently, we are learning about the anatomy of the eye...from the very anterior to the very posterior, prism diopters, neurons, and public health.
I will try to post more pictures from lab for you guys! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to comment!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Eye Ball Photos
Hey guys!
As promised here are some Eye Ball photos! My feet were killing me the whole night; my boyfriend and I took dancing breaks to give our feet rest between songs. It was nice to just hang out with everyone and see my classmates so stress free! The food was delicious for what it was! We had roasted chicken herb and baked halibut!
As promised here are some Eye Ball photos! My feet were killing me the whole night; my boyfriend and I took dancing breaks to give our feet rest between songs. It was nice to just hang out with everyone and see my classmates so stress free! The food was delicious for what it was! We had roasted chicken herb and baked halibut!
Most of the first year girls!
Some of first year guys and first year girls' boyfriends
Our dinner!
Friday, November 6, 2009
I finished my last final today, practice management. I think I did pretty well, even though it is a pass or fail course, I still put my best foot through the door!
Wow...it feels so great to do nothing. It feels wonderful to not study for anything. Unfortunately this renewed feeling will only last for a mere 2 days. Winter quarter begins on Monday, but luckily we do not have any tests. However, there is our winter formal on Friday, The "EYE" Ball!!!
I will post "EYE" ball photos for you guys on Sunday! Stay tuned!
Wow...it feels so great to do nothing. It feels wonderful to not study for anything. Unfortunately this renewed feeling will only last for a mere 2 days. Winter quarter begins on Monday, but luckily we do not have any tests. However, there is our winter formal on Friday, The "EYE" Ball!!!
I will post "EYE" ball photos for you guys on Sunday! Stay tuned!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hi guys!
Wow...what a week! The most intense week of studying I have ever had in my life. It is not over yet; I still have to more finals to complete. I have never slept so late, consistently, to study in my life. Undergrad was a lot easier than optometry school for sure. At least in undergrad, your finals were spread out, at my University, and so you had breaks to rest. My finals are consecutively scheduled. We had our three most difficult exams for the first three days. Not the content is difficult, but the volume of material, oh dear! I am learning more about myself! I can handle these stressful situations mentally, but physically my body is starting to weaken dramatically. Because I have been sleeping around 4:30AM every night, I've developed a little bit of acid reflux :(. Not very fun. But hopefully by Friday I can get back to my normal eating and sleeping schedule.
I wanted to share a link with y'all about this little girl who died of cancer. She wrote hundreds of little love notes to her parents and hid them. The parents discovered all of her little notes after she had passed away. It is a very touching and sad article.
Wow...what a week! The most intense week of studying I have ever had in my life. It is not over yet; I still have to more finals to complete. I have never slept so late, consistently, to study in my life. Undergrad was a lot easier than optometry school for sure. At least in undergrad, your finals were spread out, at my University, and so you had breaks to rest. My finals are consecutively scheduled. We had our three most difficult exams for the first three days. Not the content is difficult, but the volume of material, oh dear! I am learning more about myself! I can handle these stressful situations mentally, but physically my body is starting to weaken dramatically. Because I have been sleeping around 4:30AM every night, I've developed a little bit of acid reflux :(. Not very fun. But hopefully by Friday I can get back to my normal eating and sleeping schedule.
I wanted to share a link with y'all about this little girl who died of cancer. She wrote hundreds of little love notes to her parents and hid them. The parents discovered all of her little notes after she had passed away. It is a very touching and sad article.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Reading Week - the calm before the storm of finals
Hi guys,
Sorry it has been awhile. I have been on lock down at home studying. At SCCO we have a reading week, the week before finals, where all classes are canceled so that you can study like mad men. :) We had a little break this week on Tuesday, our Optometrist Prime Potluck at Craig Park. Here is a photo of some of my classmates and I:
Our finals next week are:
Monday-Eye Movements Comprehensive :(
Tuesday- Optics 1- Comprehensive :(
Wednesday- Biochem/Micro (BIOMED)
Thursday- Anatomy and Physiology Comprehensive
Friday- Practice Management
The Friday following Finals week is the "Eye" Ball, or winter formal!!! I am so excited! It will be like prom all over again, except in optometry school! I already have my dress!
But back to studying for me! It's nice to get a little break, but looks like there's no Halloween for me this year. Good thing I bought a lot of candy to keep at home :).
Sorry it has been awhile. I have been on lock down at home studying. At SCCO we have a reading week, the week before finals, where all classes are canceled so that you can study like mad men. :) We had a little break this week on Tuesday, our Optometrist Prime Potluck at Craig Park. Here is a photo of some of my classmates and I:
Our finals next week are:
Monday-Eye Movements Comprehensive :(
Tuesday- Optics 1- Comprehensive :(
Wednesday- Biochem/Micro (BIOMED)
Thursday- Anatomy and Physiology Comprehensive
Friday- Practice Management
The Friday following Finals week is the "Eye" Ball, or winter formal!!! I am so excited! It will be like prom all over again, except in optometry school! I already have my dress!
But back to studying for me! It's nice to get a little break, but looks like there's no Halloween for me this year. Good thing I bought a lot of candy to keep at home :).
Friday, October 23, 2009
More Eye Models 2013
There are just a few of the many creative eye models of our class this year!!!! I am so excited about the creativity level that this class has to offer!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Eye Model Season!
So I thought that I would show case my class mates eye models for you guys to see. C/O 2013 is a very creative class!!!
This is G-EYE Joe
Eye of the Tiger
T-eye D-eye
I don't recall the name :(
The Tw-eye-light Zone
EYE wish you a Merry Christmas!
I will post more as soon as my classmates complete their models!!! Stay posted!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Our Eye Model is COMPLETE
YEA!!!! My partner and I complete our eye model today after lecture!!! I think it turned out a lot better then I had sketched!!! We have all of our extraocular muscles and fibroelastic pulleys in the primary position of gaze! Here are some photos:

Everything is done. All of my little projects are out of my way. Now I will relax and begin studying for finals...slowly and then I will pick up the pace during reading week. I am enjoying my days of nothing. Tonight I get to watch Glee on TV instead of Hulu.com!!! I am so excited!
Monday, October 19, 2009
9 Midterms DONE!
Wow, what an intense month! I did not even realize how many midterms I had completed until my friend posted it on her facebook status. I finished my last midterm this morning, Optics, at 8AM. It feel okay. There were some questions on there that I had hesitated about. I had the correct answered bubbled in and then I changed it right before I turned in my test. Why did I do that?! I have no clue, I still ask my self that question. I studied so hard for each midterm. I have never studied so hard and in such short time frames in my whole school career! I think this is what Optometry school does to you! But it feels so rewarding to be finished! I went shopping today after class! I have not seen the mall since early September. It is a girl thing; I need my window shopping therapy. I have this week to complete my CV/Resume for Practice Management and the Eye Model Project with my partner. After that, SCCO gives us a "reading week" before our finals week. There are no classes held during reading week so that you can study (CRAM) for the 5 finals. Which by the way, occur consecutively, Mon-Friday. But I will be looking forward to the "Eye Ball" after finals week. Get it? It's corny but we're all nerds here and we love it! I am so excited for it! I feel like it is prom all over again! I already have my dress!
Time to relax and enjoy not studying for a few days. I will start cramming again later this week. I must appreciate these moments of "nothingness" because they seldom occur!
So every class has to have a class name at SCCO. The third years, 2011, are the "Chief Rays". I learned today in Optics lecture that Chief rays are related to the Field of View. The second years, 2012, are "Eye Candy". Their shirts are really cute! Our class, hands down has the best name, "Optometrist Prime!" Of course I am not biased! :)
Eye Movements Lecture
Topic of Discussion: Strabismus
To help us learn more about exophoria and esophoria, our professor, Dr. Stark, had three students demonstrate with two large beach balls. The students had to synchronize the eye movements as if it were a real set of eyes! Here are some photos because words are never enough:
Time to relax and enjoy not studying for a few days. I will start cramming again later this week. I must appreciate these moments of "nothingness" because they seldom occur!
So every class has to have a class name at SCCO. The third years, 2011, are the "Chief Rays". I learned today in Optics lecture that Chief rays are related to the Field of View. The second years, 2012, are "Eye Candy". Their shirts are really cute! Our class, hands down has the best name, "Optometrist Prime!" Of course I am not biased! :)
Eye Movements Lecture
Topic of Discussion: Strabismus
To help us learn more about exophoria and esophoria, our professor, Dr. Stark, had three students demonstrate with two large beach balls. The students had to synchronize the eye movements as if it were a real set of eyes! Here are some photos because words are never enough:
Friday, October 16, 2009
Phew! So I just survived the roughest week for a first year, SO FAR! Two exams, one practical, and an ethics essay. I am exhausted! But it does not stop there, I have to start studying for my optics exam! But I survived!
Our last day of clinic was the best day of clinic! Our instructor let our section learn how to use the Retinoscope and Opthalmoscope! Here are some photos that I wanted to share!
Our last day of clinic was the best day of clinic! Our instructor let our section learn how to use the Retinoscope and Opthalmoscope! Here are some photos that I wanted to share!
We learned to identify and search for the optic nerve!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Chaotic Week for first years!
So this week, starting tomorrow, I have a Biochem/Mico Midterm, an A&P Midterm on Wednesday, and a A&P lab practical Thursday. Most stressful week of school so far!!!
On top of studying for these exams, we also have several other projects due around the same time!
-CV/Resume due for Practice Management
-honestly this shouldn't take me too long to do, so I put it last on my priority list. I have started it though :)
-Eye Model Project for Eye Movements Clas
- My partner and I started on this the first 3 weeks of school, so all we have left to do is gluing the muscles onto the base.
-Ethics Essay- For Professional Ethics, we have to write an essay pertaining to an ethical dilemma in health care in 2009. I have my introduction finished, but I've had writer's block since before I left for Vegas! So I will finish that after my lab practical, since it is due on Friday!!!
I applied for a really interested work-study position on campus, SCCO Ambassador intern. Basically, I help tour the applicants around campus after their interview. I am among many other students on campus. Whenever I am available to do a tour, I just let the administrators know, and see if there is an applicant ready. It is so awkward being the student giving the tour to the applicant. Not too long ago, I was the applicant being toured! Wow, time has flown!!!
Thursday was our last day in clinic for this year. I have to say it was the best clinic day out of all the days were had been there! We learned how to use our opthalmoscopes and retinoscopes! We learned how to look for each other's optic nerves!!! Very exciting!!!
Well I must get back to studying...I've got a long week ahead of me!!! Finals are coming up soon...oh dear!
On top of studying for these exams, we also have several other projects due around the same time!
-CV/Resume due for Practice Management
-honestly this shouldn't take me too long to do, so I put it last on my priority list. I have started it though :)
-Eye Model Project for Eye Movements Clas
- My partner and I started on this the first 3 weeks of school, so all we have left to do is gluing the muscles onto the base.
-Ethics Essay- For Professional Ethics, we have to write an essay pertaining to an ethical dilemma in health care in 2009. I have my introduction finished, but I've had writer's block since before I left for Vegas! So I will finish that after my lab practical, since it is due on Friday!!!
I applied for a really interested work-study position on campus, SCCO Ambassador intern. Basically, I help tour the applicants around campus after their interview. I am among many other students on campus. Whenever I am available to do a tour, I just let the administrators know, and see if there is an applicant ready. It is so awkward being the student giving the tour to the applicant. Not too long ago, I was the applicant being toured! Wow, time has flown!!!
Thursday was our last day in clinic for this year. I have to say it was the best clinic day out of all the days were had been there! We learned how to use our opthalmoscopes and retinoscopes! We learned how to look for each other's optic nerves!!! Very exciting!!!
Well I must get back to studying...I've got a long week ahead of me!!! Finals are coming up soon...oh dear!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Vision Expo 2009
I just got back from Vision Expo! My boyfriend and I went very early on Satuday when the booths were setting up around 9:30AM; we wanted to beat the crowd. If you have been to any expo before, it is pretty similar except all vision related. There were some interesting booths, for example the Acuvue Oasys booth. Their booth had a simulation ride that educated and informed participants about the clinical studies done with their lenses. I thought it was fun! I did not expect to go on a ride at the vision expo. Some of the booths took up a lot of square footage, depending on the company. Marchon (i.e. OP) , Safilo (Gucci, Armani, etc.), and VSP, had very extravagant booths! Marchon had a punch bowl full of M&M's, and of course I took advantage of that!
We were so hungry so we left after an hour and and half to the MGM Buffet. Surprisingly it was a good deal. If you paid $33.90, you can eat ALL day and come back at different times. We ended up having breakfast and lunch there! I love bacon, as you can tell!
Also, if you are ever in Vegas, you should check out Downtown Vegas at night. It is called the "Freemont Street experience" and it is really a sight to see! This is where Vegas began and what it was all about.
You will often see Hello Kitty in my photos; she is my little mascot that follows my traveling adventures. :)
Here is a photo of Freemont Street.
Well now that I am back home, to reality, it is time to get back to studying. I have 4 exams coming up, and ethics essay due soon, eye movements lab write- up due, and eye model project, and a birthday party to host. I am dreading next week, but I will try to manage. I have been doing the little assignments ahead of time, so that they don't pile up in one week for me!
Time management is key! It wouldn't hurt to be smart either.
I just got back from Vision Expo! My boyfriend and I went very early on Satuday when the booths were setting up around 9:30AM; we wanted to beat the crowd. If you have been to any expo before, it is pretty similar except all vision related. There were some interesting booths, for example the Acuvue Oasys booth. Their booth had a simulation ride that educated and informed participants about the clinical studies done with their lenses. I thought it was fun! I did not expect to go on a ride at the vision expo. Some of the booths took up a lot of square footage, depending on the company. Marchon (i.e. OP) , Safilo (Gucci, Armani, etc.), and VSP, had very extravagant booths! Marchon had a punch bowl full of M&M's, and of course I took advantage of that!
Also, if you are ever in Vegas, you should check out Downtown Vegas at night. It is called the "Freemont Street experience" and it is really a sight to see! This is where Vegas began and what it was all about.
You will often see Hello Kitty in my photos; she is my little mascot that follows my traveling adventures. :)
Here is a photo of Freemont Street.
Well now that I am back home, to reality, it is time to get back to studying. I have 4 exams coming up, and ethics essay due soon, eye movements lab write- up due, and eye model project, and a birthday party to host. I am dreading next week, but I will try to manage. I have been doing the little assignments ahead of time, so that they don't pile up in one week for me!
Time management is key! It wouldn't hurt to be smart either.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Hello October!
Hey guys!
I've been staying after school so much for school events, clinic, studying, and lab. I think I am at school more than I am at home! But at least you have your class mates to keep you company.
I've taken some new photos that I would like to share with y'all!
Telefund Night
One of the days I stayed until 9:15PM because I was volunteering for a telefund to help fundraise money for the OEP club (focused on Vision Therapy), and our awesome class of 2013!!!
New Expensive Toys
So, for your first year, your largest purchase will be a retinoscope and an opthalmascope. I hope I spelled that correctly. Very expensive, but I heard 2nd year's toys are the most expensive!
I tested them out at home right away!
Eye Movements Lecture and Lab
So far this class has been the most "hands-on" class this semester during lecture. We've used play dough earlier, and this time we made oragami. The are suppose to be ears, or a model of our vestibular system.
Observations of Vestibulo-ocular Nystagmus
Anatomy and Physiology Lab
So for the past two weeks, we have been practicing and learning CPR. We learned how to perform early CPR on adults, children, and infants. We are now certified for the next two years! This also entails the knowledge of using an AED (automatic external defribillator) as well.
Vision Expo West 2009
So this weekend is the annual Vision Expo West!!! It is held in Las Vegas!!! Most of my classmates have already left for Vegas today, but I will be leaving tomorrow for Vegas. I want to study a little more, since we do have an exam when we come back. The week after next will be horrible! I have an ethics essay due, 2 exams, 1 lab practical, practice management assignments due and an optics exam to study for. Yea, I am trying to get some of it started this week so it does not catch up with me then. I will post the next entry when I get back from Las Vegas!!!
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