Sorry, it has been awhile! I have been just trying to get used to the schedule at school! We just had our first Optics test last week and eye movements test today!!! I felt more prepared for the eye movements test than the optics test!
So far we have been eased into Optometry school, no joke. Every week the amount of studying seems to increase. It kind of creeps up on you. You don't feel pressured to study, but you KNOW you have to study, because if you don't, then its just not worth being in school! Everyone is so nice at SCCO! If you ever get to tour the campus, you will see for you yourself! Everyone is just really friendly and willing to help you!
So to get y'all caught up.....
This would have to be my favorite class so far! I applied to this school mainly because they offered business and ethical classes to help prepare you for private practice and finances. This class is very informative and Dr. Sanders is hilarious! She is very entertaining and is very helpful! I am very motivated to stay on top of my finances!
I had my first day of clinic two weeks ago!!!! I heard mixed reviews from other first year interns' experiences, but mine was awesome!!! Can I get even more motivated for optometry, YES I CAN! LOL.
Our clinic here at SCCO is so modern and up to date with technology. There were machines in the clinic that I have never used or seen when I had worked as an optometric technician!
I shadowed a 4th year intern. She was in the middle of an exam when I came to the clinic. Her first patient was very interesting! The patient had a lot of ocular health issues and so I got to see my 4th year intern run numerous tests on her patient. She was already with this patient for about an hour and a half now; most of the exams at the clinic are long because they just transitioned over to all electronic medical records.
After, the first patient, I still had about 1 hour left before I was finished for the day. Luckily, I was able to sit in on a second exam with my intern before I left! The next patient was rather interesting as well; diabetic retinopathy follow-up! I have a very strong interest in ocular diseases so I get very excited to shadow these types of exams!
I find eye movements, which you will take your first quarter here at SCCO, a very interesting class. We learn in depth about the simplest movements your eyes make. Here are some photos from our first lab. We had to construct an eye model out of a light bulb. It may look easy, but calculating the muscle insertions and origins takes up time!
So, now I have another test coming up on Monday (biological sciences), which I must start studying for today! Get used to being tested every week!!! Not fun, but I guess it helps you learn to prioritize your time!
Well I will try to keep y'all updated as weekly as possible. Please comment or ask me any questions or topics you would like posted! :)
your blog is wonderful! thanks so much for sharing!