WOW. This week we had 2 exams and a lab practical. I am surprisingly not feeling as stressed as I was during winter quarter. I guess because I have been keeping up with the lecture material. I know for sure the second round of midterms I will not feel as calm because I was unable to re-read each lecture while studying for the first midterms of the quarter and proficiencies. It WILL get harder...and I will stress later. haha.
Clinical Methods Lab
Today in lab we learned about manifest refraction. I did my first refraction in 20 minutes. It was a LONG grueling 20 minutes. Dr.Stark, my lab instructor, mentioned that explaining it would be difficult to understand, but actually applying the concept would be easier to understand. He was right, because I was trying to follow the manual and I got very lost! It was very exciting though! We have to manifest 3 of our classmates by the next lab session.
keep it up! ^-^