Friday, August 14, 2009

Orientation Day @ SCCO

Orientation day started at 7:30AM-5:00PM. Since I do not live in Fullerton, I had to commute. My commute is not very far and there was no traffic at all this morning, so I arrived there in 15 minutes! I wish everyday could be like that! At first when I got to the school, there were a lot of other students just standing around in the court yard. I just signed in and stood against the wall. I never had the chance to go to any of the "meet and greets" so I had no idea who anyone was. I recognized a lot of faces from Facebook, but it was still awkward to finally see everyone in person. Eventually, I was able to talk to a few other classmates and introduce myself. Breakfast was served buffet style, which was nice. It consisted of muffins, pastries, coffee, fruit, and juice. I had a blueberry muffin myself, but I don't think it sufficed! My stomach kept growling during the speeches, :(. So after some morning mingling took place, we all stood in line to take our student ID photos. The photos we took will last through our whole 4 years at SCCO! So you want to make sure you look sharp. You don't have to be so formal; business casual was more appropriate.
After photos, we migrated to the A building, which is the main lecture hall, to listen to speeches given by the president of SCCO, the V.P. of Student Affairs, and the V.P./Dean. They all gave very motivational speeches. The one thing I love about SCCO is that they can never stop talking about how much the love their school and the optometric profession. I am already convinced and motivated as is about optometry, but they just take it to a completely higher level! After a few speeches, we broke into smaller groups lead by faculty members and student leaders from the class of 2012, followed by a hosted lunch. After a lunch, we all migrated back to the lecture hall and listened to our Financial Aid Advisor go over our financial aid packets.
This was the last speech given before all of the students were dispersed into four groups to finish up the orientation day. There were four different stations set up for the groups to rotate with. The first station was for ordering our WHITE COATS ( our doctor coats, lol), the second station was to pick up our financial aid checks , the third station was to pick up our books at the student bookstore, and the final station was to pick up our student id badges!!! My picture turned out okay; it's not the best, but its now with me for 4 years!!!

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