Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello October!

Hey guys!

It was been awhile!  These past few weeks have been exhausting. You will probably see that word in my entries a lot!  We have so many little projects here and there besides studying for weekly exams.  So I ran for 2013 Class President, I didn't win, but it was amazing!  The other candidates were very well qualified and gave wonderful and entertaining speeches.

I've been staying after school so much for school events, clinic, studying, and lab. I think I am at school more than I am at home!  But at least you have your class mates to keep you company.

I've taken some new photos that I would like to share with y'all!

Telefund Night
One of the days I stayed until 9:15PM because I was volunteering for a telefund to help fundraise money for the OEP club (focused on Vision Therapy), and our awesome class of 2013!!!

Here are some of the snacks that were provided for us while we called SCCO Alumni for pledges.

 New Expensive Toys
So, for your first year, your largest purchase will be a retinoscope and an opthalmascope.  I hope I spelled that correctly.  Very expensive, but I heard 2nd year's toys are the most expensive!

I tested them out at home right away!

Eye Movements Lecture and Lab
So far this class has been the most "hands-on" class this semester during lecture. We've used play dough earlier, and this time we made oragami. The are suppose to be ears, or a model of our vestibular system.

In lab last week, we were recording our eye movements: saccdic, vestibular, pursuit, etc.

This subject is wearing a +20 dioper Bartel glasses.

Observations of Vestibulo-ocular Nystagmus

 Anatomy and Physiology Lab
So for the past two weeks, we have been practicing and learning CPR.  We learned how to perform early CPR on adults, children, and infants.  We are now certified for the next two years!  This also entails the knowledge of using an AED  (automatic external defribillator) as well.

Vision Expo West 2009
So this weekend is the annual Vision Expo West!!! It is held in Las Vegas!!!  Most of my classmates have already left for Vegas today, but I will be leaving tomorrow for Vegas. I want to study a little more, since we do have an exam when we come back. The week after next will be horrible!  I have an ethics essay due, 2 exams, 1 lab practical, practice management assignments due and an optics exam to study for. Yea, I am trying to get some of it started this week so it does not catch up with me then. I will post the next entry when I get back from Las Vegas!!!

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